Prosthetic Centrey
Bhagat Puran Singh Prosthetic Centre at Manawala Complex was inaugurated at Manawala Complex by H.E. Hans Joachim Kiderlen, Minister Embassy of Federal Republic of Germany. The German Embassy had donated Rs. 3.0
Lacs for setting up of this centre.
This centre provides artificial limbs to persons with disabilities like prothesis, orthosis, splints, spinal braces, cervical orthosis, surgical shoes and assistive devices. These limbs are provided free of cost irrespective of any considerations of caste, creed, colour or religion.
Since its inauguration a total of 7341 patients have been fitted with Prosthesis, orthosis or assistive devices and 1085 Assistive devices have been repaired. This facility of Pingalwara is unique in whole of Northern India. The centre is equipped with most qualified engineers and technicians. The centre has advanced machinery and equipment and is capable of handling the most critical cases. This centre is known for its best services in whole of northern India and patients are referred from far flung places of J& K and upper reaches of Himachal. The annual expenditure of running this centre is approximately 32lac.