Reunion of a Lady Sahil Mishra with his family.
On 12th Feb., 2019 Shail Kumari W/o Ramakant Mishra R/o Vill: Nadan, PO Pisawa, Distt Sitapur, UP after having a quarrel with his husband came to Amritsar alongwith her 1 ½ yrs old daughter. on finding her loitering aimlessly at the railway station the police party brought her to Pingalwara for safe care.As a result of persistent counseling and contact with Sitapur Helpline UP her whereabouts and place of exact residence have found out. She alongwith two Pingalwara caretaker was sent to Sitapur where with the help of Women helpline (181) she was reunited with her family.

Reunion of a son with his family.
Sagar alias Bholu left his family and came to Pingalwara in Jan 2016 A bright student he, is in class 7. As a result of persistent counselling by our Social Worker Mr Gulshan Ranjan contact number of his uncle was found out.when the family was informed that the boy is safe in Pingalwara,they heaved a sigh of relief and were overjoyed.Today the entire family came to take the boy.Emotional moments of Reunion.

Inder Singh was brought from Civil Hospital Pathankot and admitted in Piara Singh Ward Amritsar on 5th Nov 2011 he had his leg broken and was mentally disturbed. He was transfer to Sangrur branch to care and treatment in Pingalwra where he recovered and told that he belongs to village mandikalan in Pathankot District. Inder Singh was admitted as a destitute from Pathankot. Pingalwara Sangrur branch located his family and he was reunited with his family when his sister Karanjit kaur came to take him back home. This reunion with family was very emotional movement.

When I came to Pingalwara in 1988 I was very small, I was named as Meenu. When I grew up I started understanding, the things around me. I found myself at a very good place which is a place for destitute, infirm, aged and disabled persons, i.e. Pingalwara Amritsar. After some time, I was eager to know about myself so I enquired from other girls who were residing in Pingalwara. One senior girl amongst them whom I called Bholi Didi whose both legs were deformed because of polio, told me, “you were very small when some people brought you here for admission in Pingalwara”. She also told me that my mother had died and grandmother could not look after me so she decided to leave me in Pingalwara.

In May 2007, Pakistan repatriated some Indians personnel languishing in Pakistani Jails for many years. They entered their homeland from Wagha Border Amritsar, and were handed over to Amritsar Administration for their care and further rehabilitation. Civil administration requested Pingalwara to keep them till alternative arrangements are made to house them. However they continued to stay in Pingalwara for more than a month along with the police personal. Five of them had arrived in a very deplorable state of physical and mental condition and as such were unable to recall even their names and could not tell their addresses.

Ours is a heartless society especially for the handicapped people. We continue to be unaware of the misery we are creating for these tortured souls. Poverty, lack of education and ignorance multiply these problems many fold.Indra is the daughter of an army personnel. At the tender age of 15 years she was married off and gave birth to a daughter after 1 ½ years of marriage. Her husband lived in a small village where medical facilities were just not available. Immediately after the birth of the child complications arose and she not only lost her baby but also her eye sight.Her husband promptly divorced her stating that he could not afford to keep a handicapped wife.

My Secular India, My Holy Religion
They are not very sure, but they are still trying to grapple with what has happened to their lives. Balwant Singh and Balbir Singh came back to India from Nairobi in 1962. They were qualified and experienced engineers and hence had no problems in finding work. They opened ‘New Everest Engineering Company’ in Bhopal and had a flourishing business. They were the trouble shooters. Anyone having a persisting and nagging problem, the answer was Balwant and Balbir.The work was amply supported by their wives and adoring children. Everything was in harmony. Perhaps the past karmic accounts had to be settled because overnight everything changed