The results of middle Matric and Sen. Sec. Exams conducted by Punjab School Education Board Mohali were declared this week. We are delighted to share the outstanding accomplishments of brilliant scholars of Bhagat Puran Singh Adarsh Sen. Sec. School Manawala which is being run by the joints efforts of Pingalwara Society of Ontario, Canada and All India Pingalwara Charitable Society, Amritsar.
In Sen. Secondary section, we had a batch of 41 students this year. I feel pride and pleasure to announce that thirty students have scored above 90% marks and eleven students scored between 80% to 90% marks. Aadhya Vinayak topped the school in Science stream scoring 96% marks. On the other hand, Anmol and Rashi topped the school in Humanities stream scoring 92.6% marks. This year, we had a batch of 43 students in Matric. Twenty eight students scored above 90% marks and fifteen students scored marks between 80% to 90%. Kuljit Singh (Pingalwara hostel boy) topped in the School scoring 97.53% marks and enlisted his name in state merit list at rank 12. In middle class we had a batch of 56 students 18 students scored above 95% marks. 26 students scored marks between 90% to 95% 11 students scored marks between 80% to 90% Khuspreet kaur and Prabhdeep Kaur enlisted their names in state merit list at rank 10th and 11th scoring 98.3% and 98.1% marks respectively. I extend heartiest congratulations to the students, their families, teachers and the entire Pingalwara family, all of whom have contributed to this glorious achievement.