International Education Conference 5-6 Sep 2015
International Education Conference was jointly organized by Atam Pargas Social Welfare Council & AIPCS at Manawala Complex of Pingalwara from 5th to 6th Sept., 2015. Over 350 Principals and members of management across the globe attended the conference. Eminent Scholars including Dr.Indejit Kaur President AIPCS, Baba Iqbal Singh Baru Sahib, Dr. Tejinder Kaur Chairperson, PSEB , Dr. Nachhatar Singh VC Guru Kashi University Talwandi Sabo, Dr. Pritpal Singh, Bhagwant Singh Dilawri Ex IFS, Dr. SP Singh Ex. VC Guru Nanak Dev University, Bhai Guriqbal Singh Mata Kaulan Ji Bhalai Kendra, Giani Kewal Singh former jathedar Takhat Sri Damdma Sahib, Principal Narinder Pal Singh Historian Delhi, Dr. Raghbir Singh Bains attended discussion in various sessions. International delegates including S. Gurdial Singh from Paris,. Dr. Raghbir Singh Bains from Canada and Ranjit Singh from UK attended the conference as special invitee.
All delegates apart from attending the sessions also participated in the sewa of patients in various wards and langar of Pingalwara.